Power Tapping Gift Voucher

 10.00 121.00 incl. Tax

  • For any budget
  • Something for everyone
  • Help another

(The value of the gift vouchers are including Tax. When you are not required to pay tax, it will be deducted automatically.)

Who do you wish a better quality of life?

Who do you know who is stuck at home for a long time, barely getting out of bed, feels troubled?

Whether it has been going on for a short or long time, young or old, it doesn’t matter. Everyone has the right to a better life.

Will you help the other? Then give a gift voucher. Perhaps the threshold becomes less high.

Because you probably know how hard is it to ask for help?

Really cool that you want to do this. I will receive this person with open arms, without labeling, with respect.

With love, Sandra

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Value gift voucher

€10,00, €15,00, €24,00, €75,00, €121,00

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