Neutralize negative emotions that lie underneath the “hooks” of earlier events
Participant: “I have experience with EFT and want to cope with or even dissolve specific negative emotions.”
These workshops are based on the ‘complaint of the participant’, such as being in mourning, having a burnout, Corona after efects, exam stress, injection anxiety and much more. Because let’s face it, Tapping can be used for all complaints, negative emotions and situations. And that’s really a lot. So where do you start as a client? With your own specific complaints. Whether it is fatigue, fear or sadness. We often know that it is because of work, an illness, loss or something else. And that’s what we’re going to work on in these follow-up workshops.
We do not only look at the complaints you have now, but also at what lies underneath. What actually caused these complaints? Which events are relevant and triggered? The emotions you often experience are often triggered by previously formed hooks. You learn how to remove all “hooks”, especially from the past, and how to neutralize the negative emotions. Then these “hooks” are no longer in the way and nothing can be hung on them.
Various follow-up workshops have been put together. To participate in these workshops, the Basic Power Tapping Workshop is a requirement. Either you’ve had a Power Tapping Session or you’re familiar with EFT. Then you can also register.